1. San Jose Rural School in Chincha Alta, Peru

Rural poverty in Peru has its roots in high rates of illiteracy, particularly among women, and lack of essential services, such as education and electrical power. The inequality that marks Peruvian society, despite the recent high levels of economic growth, is reproduced in the educational system, and rural regions lag behind cities on every level. Young children roam the streets all day long, often without a father or with a father with a drinking problem and a mother totally unable to take care of them. They are totally neglected in all aspects of life.
The Foundation is currently working in sponsoring children from the Escuela Parroquial San Jose, Chincha Alta, departamento de Ica in Peru. The school provides primary education. The children are admitted to the school when they are three years old and they remain in the program during the entire basic education that spans for nine years. The grants provided by the Foundation are employed to purchase books and support one year of school expenses. The students supported by scholarships from the Foundation are provided with additional lectures in mathematics and language to reinforce those skills. Five hundred dollars a year can help a child towards education in rural Peru. This is a long-term commitment that will continue for several years. As more funds become available through donations, we will increase the number of children that we can support.
The San Jose school was founded in 1965 and has provided education to children that have limited economic resources. The school has 651 students whose ages are from three to eleven years old.
The Foundation is currently working in sponsoring children from the Escuela Parroquial San Jose, Chincha Alta, departamento de Ica in Peru. The school provides primary education. The children are admitted to the school when they are three years old and they remain in the program during the entire basic education that spans for nine years. The grants provided by the Foundation are employed to purchase books and support one year of school expenses. The students supported by scholarships from the Foundation are provided with additional lectures in mathematics and language to reinforce those skills. Five hundred dollars a year can help a child towards education in rural Peru. This is a long-term commitment that will continue for several years. As more funds become available through donations, we will increase the number of children that we can support.
The San Jose school was founded in 1965 and has provided education to children that have limited economic resources. The school has 651 students whose ages are from three to eleven years old.
2. Education Project in Senegal
Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest rate of education with over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 being out of school, followed by one-third of youth between the ages of 12-14. According to UIS data, almost 60% of youth of ages 15-17 years old are not in school.
In Senegal, there is a 71.45% enrollment rate of children in primary school, 49.65% enrollment rate in secondary school, and 10.39% enrollment rate in college. Barriers to Education in Senegal 1. The school system is archaic and does not fulfill the aspirations of the students resulting in a high rate of early dropout. 2. Teachers are not paid enough or not paid at all and they are constantly on strike, classes are canceled for months. 3. Poor children cannot afford to pay for tuition and schools fees Making a Difference 1. The Foundation’s program in collaboration with SUNU ASKAN Inc, aims at decreasing the low school enrollment through two programs: a. Tuition Sponsorship: Sponsor the tuition and school supplies for poor children b. After school program: Tutoring sessions, recreational and educational activities, and Sci-Tech for Kids. Plan of Action The Foundation in collaboration with the Sunu Askan, Inc. NGO provide sponsoring to the Matar Diop primary school located in Dakar, district of Medina in Senegal. The Sci-Tech program aims to introduce kids to the world of science and technology through fun activities that will nurture an interest in science and technology. This program contemplates computer classes and supply of computers, mini labs, field trips, etc. Current tuition, school supplies, and after-school program fees for a child are $180/year. |
Country: Senegal
City: Dakar
District: Medina
School: Matar Diop Primary School
City: Dakar
District: Medina
School: Matar Diop Primary School