The Count of Monte Alea Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt and non-profit organization registered in the state of Massachusetts. The Foundation relies heavily on public support for continued activities. If you would like to assist the Foundation's education efforts in rural areas of South America, Europe as well as preserve The Principality of Asturias’s (Spain) rich historical legacy, we would greatly appreciate your donation at any level. Our Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN) is 45-3856963.
To make a tax-deductible donation with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express,
Discover or PayPal, please use the link below and fill out the form on the page
that follows. There is no minimum for your contribution. Only $500 dollars can pay
the entire school year for a child in rural areas of Peru.
Discover or PayPal, please use the link below and fill out the form on the page
that follows. There is no minimum for your contribution. Only $500 dollars can pay
the entire school year for a child in rural areas of Peru.
Tax-deductible donations by check can be sent to:
Count of Monte Alea Foundation, Inc. P,O. Box 382612 Cambridge MA 02238, USA |